Food can be purchased from the local Auchan supermarket 15 minutes away by car in La Brède. There is a large "bio" selection available. There is also a fresh food market in the main town square of La Brède every Wednesday.

We can provide free rice (within limits) if you prefer Asian food, or you can drive to the Eurasie Asian supermarket within Bordeaux Lac, a commercial complex about 40 minutes' drive away. There you will find Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese and other Asian food choices. Why not try Durian, which is the smelliest and most divisive (delicious/repulsive) fruit on the planet (you either love it, or really, really hate it)! Chinese trains actually have a rule banning its consumption on trains.

For those who don’t want to travel too far for their fruit and veg we recommend Sol en Bio on av Charles de Gaulle in central La Brède, near the town hall and post office. This is a gourmet grocery store providing "bio" or organic fruit, vegetables, wine, cheese and bread as well as canned and dry goods. Look for the green "AB" ("agriculture biologique") symbol on the pack. It also sells natural and bio essential oils, aromatherapy and toiletry products ( They will deliver to Château Mitaud.

If you are willing to go further afield, then we recommend Bio C'est Bon in Mérignac (or other branches around town), not far from the airport ( It is a bio products supermarket with a huge product range, selling everything from organic wines to hair dyes. And what's more, it (the food, not the hair dye) really tastes great.